Friday, August 28, 2020
Blood Brothers by Willy Russell Essay Example For Students
Kindred spirits by Willy Russell Essay I chose to work with Roxy and Duncan inside my gathering. I had worked with Roxy on numerous events during show exercises; I realized she was generally excellent at dramatization and dependable. She was persevering and consistently needed to ensure her parts were all around practiced and every last bit of her lines were found out. Duncan had a great deal of trust in his work and capacity to act. I had worked with Duncan on numerous events before in dramatization classes as well as in school plays too. The entire of our gathering which included Alex Porter, however I didnt legitimately work with her, felt it is acceptable to have Duncan in our gathering on the grounds that the majority of the scenes required a male part. I had never worked with Alex however I realized that she was a solid and certain entertainer. The whole gathering was entirely trustworthy and persevering. We were all alright with one another thus we thought that it was anything but difficult to function admirably in our gathering and arrive at our full acting potential. We were totally given a content of Blood Brothers by Willy Russell. We as a whole perused the content first in class and we as a whole delighted in it. A portion of the scenes were exceptionally clever yet others were additionally extremely sensational. We delighted in perusing the content and felt we could find real success at acting it out. We at that point needed to pick which scenes to do, and furthermore which characters we were going to play. I filled the role of Linda, whom Mickey, played by Duncan, grew up with and wedded. Roxy was Mrs. Johnstone, the regular mother of the two young men. Alex played the received mother of Edward. Duncan played Edward and Mickey since this was increasingly conceivable seeing as they were twin siblings. We concluded that we would complete six scenes, three scenes each. Roxy and Alex chose to do the principal scenes in the book; this was useful for the crowd since they comprehended what the play was about and what was going on all through the play. Duncan and Alex then chose to do a scene where Edward was somewhat more seasoned. This again gave the crowd a thought of what was happening all through the phases of the twins lives. Duncan and I acted the following scene. It demonstrated Mickey as a young person. We pick this scene since it was very clever and still very emotional and portrayed high school life, which our entire dramatization gathering could identify with. We at that point pick a scene towards the finish of the play once Mickey had come out of jail, however was all the while taking tablets. We felt that we ought to do a scene before hand so the crowd comprehended what was happening. So I did a scene with Roxy, which clarified what had occurred since the last scene. My next scene, and our last, was with Duncan. This scene was emotional and not the same as different scenes that we had carried on, so it was a serious test for us. I thought the content was exceptionally astute by they way it followed the lives of the two siblings, yet without them really realizing that they were siblings until the finish of the play. I believed that the difference in their two lives was reasonable to life today. I felt that my character, Linda, was solid, and realized what she needed and was very decided. She had consistently needed Mickey and had hung tight for him. I figured I would appreciate playing this character since I must be genuinely intense! Mrs. Johnstone was additionally similar to this. She was extremely solid despite the fact that she had a ton to manage and had a serious hard life. Mickey and Eddie were very indistinguishable. You could tell that Eddie had been raised diversely and was increasingly taught and experienced school and college. You could likewise tell that Mickey had been raised with a less fortunate foundation. This gave the two characters a decent differentiation of rich and poor, yet indistingui shable. .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109 , .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109 .postImageUrl , .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109 .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109 , .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109:hover , .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109:visited , .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109:active { border:0!important; } .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109:active , .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109:hover { obscurity: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109 .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: re lative; } .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-beautification: underline; } .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-embellishment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u9b66745a90265 9d571255a9364b66109 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u9b66745a902659d571255a9364b66109:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Presentation of the Mother Figure in House of Bernarda Alba and House of the Spirits EssayWe had a wide range of scenes to set up in front of an audience. The first scenes were in Quite a while. Lyons house, so we needed to make space and cause it to appear to be enormous. There wasnt a ton of development in this scene, so we needed to focus on our voices and restricted developments. The following scene out of the house was outside with Mickey and Linda. This was acceptable in light of the fact that we had loads of room and a considerable amount of development inside the scene. The following scenes were again in a house, howeve r this time it was Mickey and Lindas house. During these scenes there was a great deal of development so we had the option to utilize the stage adequately. Linda appeared to be exceptionally basic in her more youthful years, so this expected to run over in my intonation. We concluded that everybody separated from Mrs. Lyons and Eddie ought to have a Liverpudlian intonation. This would help so as to have a difference between the two ladies and children. On the off chance that Eddie and his mom have luxurious accents, at that point you would have the option to differentiate among Mickey and his mom. The play was obviously set in Liverpool, so we figured we ought to at any rate attempt the accents. Fortunately we as a whole figured out how to get the accents that we required perfectly. One of the main issues was that with the Liverpudlian pronunciation we were hurrying our lines, so needed to figure out how to back off however keep a similar emphasize.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Preserving Order in Luther and Hobbes Essays -- Philosophy Essays
Safeguarding Order in Luther and Hobbes Both Martin Luther and Thomas Hobbes have faith in saving request. Their compositions paint pictures of solid sovereigns and submissive subjects. However while the two men consider it to be inappropriate to topple a sovereign, they perceive that sovereigns are ousted and that the sovereigns must do what they can to forestall this. On that the two men see various foundations for their sovereignsââ¬â¢ creation, set various finishes for their sovereigns, and would restrict the activities of the sovereigns to those particular closures. Hobbes, whose sovereign is made as an option in contrast to the condition of nature, puts the chance of the state crumbling as the restrictions of that sovereignââ¬â¢s power. Luther, whose rulers are named by God, would confine their capacity just by their dread of God. These distinctions happen in the couple of cases where Hobbes and Luther give the individuals authorization to ignore the rulers. Thomas Hobbes says that there must be a solid sovereign since it is the main chance other than the condition of nature. In the condition of nature each man is equivalent and having equivalent rights to all things, all would be in consistent war against each other. For this situation nobody is guaranteed that he will have the products of his own work, and hence there is no work done yet life is singular, poor, frightful, brutish and short. That man would decide to stay in this state isn't a choice to Hobbes. He says that for men to look for harmony and tail it is a law of nature. In this manner for Hobbes dutifulness to the sovereign is a decision that everybody must make, since it is normal and sensible to make it, and on the grounds that it is the main alternative other than the condition of nature. Martin Luther, then again, doesn't generally consider a condition of ... ...military is sufficiently huge, and the individuals sufficiently poor, that there is no way for the individuals to revolt, at that point the sovereign may do what he wills and the individuals should acknowledge it. Request will be kept up. Be that as it may, if the peopleââ¬â¢s convictions are moving towards ones advancing disobedience or they have the material assets accessible also rebel then this will restrict the sovereign and he will have act fittingly. Works Cited Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 1994. Luther, Martin. Rebuke to Peace, A Reply to the Twelve Articles of the Peasants in Swabia, 1525. In Lutherââ¬â¢s Works: Volume 46. altered by Robert C. Shultz. 17-45. Philadelphia: Fortress Press. Worldly Authority: To What Extent it Should be Obeyed, 1523. In Lutherââ¬â¢s Works: Volume 45. altered by Robert C. Shultz. 81-130. Philadelphia: Fortress Press. 89.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Microeconomic Theory Essay Example for Free
Microeconomic Theory Essay 1. Clarify why society faces an exchange off between utilization products and capital merchandise. Society is confronted with exchange off between utilization merchandise and capital products in that assets are rare, and accordingly it needs to settle on decisions dependent on the open door expenses of profiting by utilization at present or having a more noteworthy degree of utilization tomorrow through interest in capital products. 2. Recognize outright and similar favorable position. Outright bit of leeway alludes to that exchange, which isn't correspondingly good rather than a Comparative exchange, where exchange is equally great. 3. Clarify the Law of Demand. The law of interest expresses that as the cost of an assistance or great builds, buyer interest for the administration or cooperative attitude reduction and the other way around, gave every other factor stay steady. 4. Clarify the Law of Supply The law of gracefully expresses that as the cost of a help or great builds, the amount of administrations or products offered by providers increments and the other way around, gave all the elements stay consistent. 5. Clarify the impacts of value roofs. It is a sort of government measure, where it fixes a breaking point on the cost to be charged on an item. Viable value roof must be not quite the same as the free market cost. A value roof situated beneath the free market cost will place providers in a state where they can no longer charge what they had been charging, for that specific item. This will drive a few providers to move out of the market, consequently decrease in the amount delivered. On the opposite side amount requested will increment for a similar item since customers can purchase at a lower cost. Since amount requested surpasses amount delivered, a lack will happen and it will result to non-value rivalry 6. Clarify the impacts of value floors. It is a sort of government measure where it forces a breaking point on the most minimal value that can be charged on an item and for it to be compelling it must be set higher than the harmony cost. At the point when the value floor is position over the market balance value, purchasers see that they currently need to follow through on a greater expense for that specific item. Providers, on the other part are guaranteed more significant expense than what they were charging previously. This has the impact of expanding creation, consequently abundance gracefully of the item in the market. Along these lines to keep up value floor over a more drawn out period, the administration will be compelled to make a move to diminish the abundance gracefully 7. Recognize private merchandise and open products and clarify the idea of the free-rider issue. Private merchandise are the sort of products whose benefits, are resolutely spread over the entire network, regardless of whether the people don't want to buy it. While private merchandise alludes to the ones that are distinguishable and can be given independently to different people, without outer expenses or advantages to other people. Positive externalities that are not compensated typically result from the creation of open products. At the point when private associations are not getting all the benefits of an open decent that they have delivered, there will be no adequate impetuses to create it intentionally. Henceforth, buyers will exploit open merchandise without adequately adding to their creation. Recognize normal duty rates and negligible assessment rates. Normal duty rate alludes to the aggregate sum of expenses paid partition by salary. It shows the aggregate of duty paid per dollar earned while negligible expense rate alludes to the annual assessment rate paid on the only remaining dollar of salary earned 9. Recognize normal duty rates and negligible assessment rates. Normal expense rate alludes to the aggregate sum of duties paid gap by pay. It shows the aggregate of duty paid per dollar earned while minor assessment rate alludes to the annual expense rate paid on the only remaining dollar of salary earned 10. Clarify the structure of the US annual assessment framework. The structure of US charge framework is unpredictable one that involves installment to in any event four different degrees of government and numerous methods for tax assessment. US tax collection involves neighborhood government perhaps comprising of at least one of township, civil, region and locale governments. It might likewise grasp territorial substances like school and utility and travel regions just as joining government and state 11. Depict how costs files are determined and characterize the key sorts of cost files Cost lists alludes to a normalized normal or a weighted normal of costs for a given class of administrations and products in a given spot, over a given recess of time Types of cost records incorporate buyer value list, maker value file and GDP deflator 12. Recognize ostensible and genuine loan costs. Ostensible premium is the pace of enthusiasm before modification for expansion rather than genuine financing cost and it incorporates each of the three hazard factors in addition to the time estimation of cash as opposed to genuine loan fee, which incorporates just precise and administrative dangers. By and large, genuine loan cost is equivalent to ostensible financing cost less swelling and cash modification. 13. Depict the round progression of salary and yield. The roundabout progression of pay and yield shows joint progression of pay among shoppers and makers. The commonly supporting elements of shoppers and makers, alluded to as family units and firms separately offer each other with components to encourage the simple progression of salary. Firms flexibly purchasers with administrations and merchandise in return for shopper spending and factors of creation from the family unit. 14. Characterize (GDP). Total national output is the complete market estimation of all the last administrations and products delivered inside a nation over a given period. 15. Characterize monetary development. Financial development alludes to the tough procedure by which the profitable limit of the economy is expanded after some time to create developing degrees of national salary and yield 16. Talk about the key factors that add to a nationââ¬â¢s monetary turn of events. Approaches of national advancement should be detail in similarity with national needs, improvement needs and conditions and should concentrate on the exercises scholarly from many years of advancement. Worldwide participation in the definition and usage of macroecomic arrangements should strengthen with an examination to upgrading more prominent clarity and consistency of household strategies and in this manner fortifying their viability. 17. Depict the impact of financial development on the since quite a while ago run total flexibly bend. Monetary development will cause the total gracefully bend to move. Positive monetary development will prompt increment in gainful assets that will make it conceivable to create progressively last administrations and merchandise, along these lines the common degree of genuine GDP increments. Positive financial development will make the LAS bend to move to one side and the other way around 18. Examine the importance of the since quite a while ago run balance for the economy all in all. Since quite a while ago run balance alludes to where the total interest and since quite a while ago run total gracefully bends meet. Yield is fixed and the value level is variable over the long haul. In this manner increments in total interest prompts more significant expenses and the other way around 19. Talk about the focal presumptions of the traditional model. The focal suspicions of traditional model are that it expect that monetary agentsââ¬â¢ possesââ¬â¢ flawless data and the business sectors are described by splendidly adaptable wages and costs. The consequence of these suspicions if useful on the short run with fixed capital stock is that yield is hounded by autonomous flexibly factors 20. Portray the short-run assurance of balance genuine GDP and the value level in the old style model. The total gracefully total interest is the central macroeconomic instrument for examining yield varieties and the determination of the value level and swelling rate. The crossing point of the total interest and flexibly bends decides the economyââ¬â¢s harmony value level and balance genuine local yield 21. Recognize sparing and investment funds and clarify how sparing and utilization are connected. Sparing alludes to that procedure of continually setting aside an entirety of cash while reserve funds is that salary got by a customer not utilized in the yield of firms through spending. Investment funds and utilization can be connected in the condition where salary is equivalent to the entirety of reserve funds and use (utilization) 22. Distinguish the essential determinants of arranged venture. The essential determinants of an arranged speculation incorporate the normal come back from ventures, the tax assessment from restores, the expense of capital comparable to loan fee and the convenience of reserve funds to meet ventures 23. Talk about manners by which roundabout swarming out and direct consumptions counterbalances can decrease the viability of financial arrangement activities. Expansion has a roundabout result on worldwide intensity. As costs increment, items will in general be progressively costly comparative with remote items. This will result to diminished interest for sends out when contrasted with imports. Net fare being a parameter of total interest will contracts GDP and somewhat counterbalances the expansionary monetary approach. Expansionary financial approach makes loan costs to increment on the grounds that the administration must get to back the expanded shortage. The administration raises incomes through expenses or acquiring. Consequently, as the premium builds, private speculation diminishes. In the short run, it will diminish private speculation request, a parameter of total interest and this will adequately bring down GDP. Depict how certain parts of financial approach work as programmed stabilizers for the economy. Programmed stabilizers are programs that naturally increment monetary arrangement during downturns and agreement it during blasts. Joblessness protection is a model of programmed stabilizer in that the administration goes through more cash for the time of downturns when joblessness rate is high. Eq
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
All About Coursera Teaching and Learning Essay Samples
All About Coursera Teaching and Learning Essay Samples The Honest to Goodness Truth on Coursera Teaching and Learning Essay Samples Sensitisation is believed to underlie both adaptive in addition to maladaptive learning processes in the organism. It takes away a required skill. Active learning is a critical characteristic of student-centered learning. Non-associative learning can be split into habituation and sensitization. A greater standard is mandated when measuring the capability of non-collegiate instruction to create meaningful outcomes. Upon finishing a program, you will get a digital certificate confirming that you've successfully listened to a course of lectures on a specific discipline. Obviously, among the principal benefits of such a technique of education is that you may study at your own pace. There are lots of internal elements that affect learning. A Startling Fact about Coursera Teaching and Learning Essay Samples Uncovered Aside from the criteria that have to be met by every e-learning platform to guarantee quality, some issues of a new type of e-learning named Adaptive Learning is going to be discussed, which attempts to lower some disadvantages of the timeless e-learning models. Based on the intricacy of a program, it can be broken into modules that contain educational material, presented in a logical purchase. Both classes required using technology and provided significant r igor and value to the education practice. Learning was confirmed after every stage by means of a selection of assessment procedures. The only resource that appears to be fighting to reach to the better part of the world by means of this process is schooling or education. It needs to realise that traditional schools and curricula will not be able to cope with our rapidly changing world. Even if only a little number complete the course per usual, Berklee will get a larger quantity of expected enrollees than is typically true with different types of student recruitment. Although online education may not appear to be substantial enough in comparison to the traditional one, it possesses lots of solid advantages you should think about. It is not about the characteristic of the drawing. On the flip side, ideal side dominant individuals have a tendency to rely more on the visual aids of learning. That forgetting actually enables you to strengthen the memory. Let us have a better look at online studying, and why it may be an attractive alternative. In order to reach the level necessary for Application' students were required o use their new wisdom and generate a food pyramid. This two way communication is important in the learning procedure, and the means by which the students may comment and add information to the class is quite crucial in promoting learning in the classroom. In addition, it consumes energy, so there have to be significant benefits related to play in order for it to have evolved. On the other hand, the sides don't have exclusive control over the activities and it is very important to be aware that these functions might be as well interchanged, Sousa, D. R. (1995). There are companies which care about what you could do rather than what college you graduated from, but nevertheless, it can take you time to locate them. Education began to be regarded as a right, and even some type of civic duty. A person having a diploma from a college or university will frequently have a preference above a student with a certificate from a web-based educational support. The Coursera Teaching and Learning Essay Samples Game If you are searching for assistance with your essay then we provide a comprehensive writing service given by fully qualified academics in your area of study. Explain and describe ideas that have many specifics. Then answer these questions. Then answer these questions regarding the introduction. How to Choose Coursera Teaching and Learning Essay Samples There are various on-line schools specializing in teaching particular disciplines. The teaching procedure should enable the student and the teacher to interact and have communication be tween both groups together with have some feedback between students about what they're learning. A good example of incidental teaching is as soon as the instructor places a train set in addition to a cabinet. For instance, a teacher speaking about chemistry should delight in chemistry and show this to her students. It was challenging to use the levels within a single lesson but would be fit for use over a whole unit with a lengthier period of time for development. There's a need to come up with novel ways that will keep the students focused as a lot of them have the sensation of being alone hence contributing to the very low performance and completion rates in several online courses. The world is able to move toward Scenario 2 but might not have the capacity to make enough progress because of problems like poverty, illiteracy and absence of access to the web. Some students live on campus to get around these difficulties, but then expenses go up on account of the price of a do rm room and meal program. The 5-Minute Rule for Coursera Teaching and Learning Essay Samples Tangential learning is the procedure by which people self-educate whether a topic is exposed to them in a context they already appreciate. Coursera has faced this challenge for some time now, but there need to be strategies that may be utilized to boost motivation and kick begin the value of their on-line course to people's minds. The start of the learning cycle content proved to be a practical activity designed to engage the activists at the beginning of the lesson. This time may be used for anything a youthful person wants, but supposedly they will spend it earning money to cover education, or attempting to determine which way of life seems most appealing. The True Meaning of Coursera Teaching and Learning Essay Samples Additionally, there are stand-alone conferences with a long-standing commitment to SOTL. Teaching is an extremely complicated activity. The problem of teacher qua lifications is connected to the condition of the profession. Many teachers make the most of the chance to grow their income by supervising after-school programs and other extracurricular pursuits.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Death of a Modernist Salesman Essay - 3513 Words
Death of a Modernist Salesman The modernist movement in writing was characterized by a lack of faith in the traditional ways of explaining life and its meaning. Religion, nationalism, and family were no longer seen as being infallible. For the modernist writers, a sense of security could no longer be found. They could not find any meaning or order in the old ways. Despair was a common reaction for them. The dilemma they ran into was what to do with this knowledge. Poet Robert Frost phrased their question best in his poem ââ¬Å"The Oven Bird.â⬠Frostââ¬â¢s narrator and the bird about which he is speaking both are wondering ââ¬Å"what to make of a diminished thingâ⬠(Baym 1103). The modernist writers attempted to mirror this despair andâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦In a sense, Miller is a part of the second half of the modernist movement. His characters in Death of a Salesman are attempting to come to terms with a democratic, capitalistic society which has been functioning for some time. A s well as demonstrating to his audience the hopelessness of Willyââ¬â¢s situation, Miller is also trying to convey that the values society places on material wealth and the models of success they look to are not necessarily the best solution either. Willy is a societal failure, but how successful are the other members of society by comparison? This is the question Miller seems to be asking throughout the play as he shows the demise of Willyââ¬â¢s life and societyââ¬â¢s reaction to this demise. Sociologists, psychologists, theologians, and philosophers have found Arthur Millerââ¬â¢s major works, especially his Death of a Salesman, both fascinating and quotable as they discuss problems as ââ¬Ëalienationââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëloneliness;ââ¬â¢ ââ¬Ëdehumanizationââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëdesocialization;ââ¬â¢ ââ¬Ëthe alienated egoââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëexistentialism;ââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëdogmaââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëfreedom.ââ¬â¢ (Hayashi v) When the focus of peopleââ¬â¢s lives becomes money and getting ahead, the essence of what it means to be a human being and the true meaningful things of life are the first things to be put aside, Miller seems to be saying. In order to understand Willy Loman and the struggles with which he is dealing,Show MoreRelated Dehumanization in Death of a Salesman Essay example1245 Words à |à 5 PagesDehumanization in Death of a Salesman à à à Alienation and loneliness are two of the frequently explored themes in Arthur Millerââ¬â¢s Death of a Salesman.à Yet they can also cause other effects which are just as harmful, if not more so.à In Death of a Salesman, two of these other results are dehumanization and a loss of individual freedom.à This is a very complex web of emotions, but as Miller said, ââ¬Å"Death of a Salesman is not, of course, in the realistic tradition, having broken out into quiteRead MoreModernism Versus Postmodernism918 Words à |à 4 PagesPost-modernism follows and shares many of the same ideas as modernism. Though, at the same time, they differ in many ways. These distinctions can be seen in the two works of literature, ââ¬Å"Death of a Salesmanâ⬠by Arthur Miller and ââ¬Å"Glengarry Glen Rossâ⬠by David Mamet. ââ¬Å"Death of a Salesmanâ⬠represents the modernist literature. Modernism is a style of literature that came about after World War I in Europe. It emerged in the United States in the late 1920s. Modernism was the response to the commotionRead MoreImportance Of Modernism In Modern Theatre1042 Words à |à 5 Pagesare a common situation in modern theatre, it can be useful to identify the intentions of dramatists and their dedication to this philosophical idea. For analyzing the modernism in modern drama, it is necessary to discuss three modern plays (Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, A Taste of Honey by Shelagh Delaney, and Top Girls by Caryl Churchill) as the way to enhance the understanding of the topic. 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Hulgaââ¬â¢s negative outlook on life and refusal to have a belief in religion is modernistic. Modernists embraced the future and were beginning to leave the past behind. They became skeptical about the traditions of their forefathers; they scrutinized traditions. Hulga was very skeptical of the bible salesman, Manley; she felt that she was intellectually superiorRead MoreTragedy And The Common Man Vs Death Of A Salesman1953 Words à |à 8 PagesPrompt Oneââ¬â An evaluation of Mametââ¬â¢s Glengarry Glen Ross and Millerââ¬â¢s Death of a Salesman both depicts a protagonist that grapples with a moral discrepancy of ideals and disillusionment. This conflict is directly affected by a personal choice that later becomes irrevocable. Shelly from Glengarry Glen Ross and Death of a Salesman Willy, struggle to preserve their reputation. Intertwined with external pressure and family dynamics, these characters represent the quintessential elements of a tragicRead MoreAnalysis Of The Appearance Theme By T. S. Eliot, Tennessee Williams, And Arthur Miller2539 Words à |à 11 Pagesappearance has over people has intrigued readers of all time periods, authors T. S. Eliot, Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller have shed light on the theme with their works ââ¬Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,â⬠A Streetcar Named Desire, and Death of a Salesman. First off, appearance was exceedingly significant in T.S. Eliotââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,â⬠and readers have a lot to learn from this work. Before examining the theme, the poemââ¬â¢s basic plot, as well as the author of the work,Read MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller2091 Words à |à 9 Pagesprosperity through hard work. Both in Arthur Miller s Death of a Salesman and F Scott Fitzgeraldââ¬â¢s The Great Gatsby, the American Dream is a strong theme throughout, as ultimately the protagonists in the novel and play fail to achieve their dream. As a result, the reader is forced to consider whether the American Dream is an unattainable concept or if it is due to personal interpretation. The Great Gatsby written in 1925 and Death of a Salesman 1949, gives a slightly different perspective being postRead MoreThe Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka1455 Words à |à 6 PagesThis was the beginning of a century full of atrocities and evil that would scar th e world, and the people living in it, forever. The best example of this is The Great War, or World War One. This war was called the war to end all wars. It showed more death and destruction than any war prior, and for the first time, not only would the armies and governments suffer for their country, but civilians would be affected as well. The Great War, ââ¬Å"killed romanticism and sentimentalismâ⬠(Malcolm Bradbury). RomanticismRead MoreThemes of Modernism859 Words à |à 4 Pagesoutlook on life, but the new era of Modernism rejected this idea and chose to portray life to be extremely pessimistic. Many of the Modern writers showed the world and society to be in an extreme disarray and despair. Some of the most influential Modernist writers even tried some radical experiments with form, such as free verse and some of them even presented some new ideas to the public, such as stream of consciousness. There are many things that these writers did to change the world of literature
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Effect Of Management Control On Family Firms - 1491 Words
Recently, family firms have been the talk of various studies across different fields such as accounting, finance, and management. This is most probably due to the fact that family firms account for the majority of business and employment worldwide (Tharawat, 2014). At the same time, most family firms have specific characteristics and practices that studies have yet to dwell on. While these and other considerations have recently led to more research on management accounting and management control in family firms, research on this topic is only recently becoming an independent field of study on developing countries that are actually affected by it more than other countries (Barnato, 2014). Thus, this study aims to shed more light onâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦For the purpose of this study, type of ownership, intergenerational transfers, and percentage of decision-making rights will define family firms. Family firms face similar challenges that also concern SMEs in general. Because these firms are not only faced with both business and family issues, some challenges affect family firms more specifically while others are exclusive to them. Usually, these challenges stem from the environment in which firms operate. However, this study will focus on challenges related to internal matters to contribute new findings to the ever- growing literature regarding family firms and management control systems. Studies related to the use of management accounting by family firms normally tackle on their appreciation of management techniques and reliance on management control systems as they mature or include nonfamily members in governing the firm (Filbeck and Lee, 2000; Moores and Mula, 2000). Moreover, Duller et al. (2012) also concluded that the level of family influence in medium-sized firms affects their utilization of management accounting systems. As it has been usual for family firms to ignore management accounting, Hiebl (2013) conducted a study that aims to enumerate the advantages of proactively using the practices and information derived from management accounting. Benefits in applying management accounting of family firms were given from three different perspectives as a conclusion of this
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Comm 215 Syllabus free essay sample
|[pic] |Course Syllabus | | |College of Humanities | | |COMM/215 Version 10 | | |Essentials of College Writing | Copyright à © 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course covers the essential writing skills required for college-level coursework. Students will learn to distinguish between interpretive and analytical writing while using the writing process and specific rhetorical strategies to develop position and persuasion essays and a case study analysis, and learning teams will prepare an applied research paper. The course offers exercises for review of the elements of grammar, mechanics, style, citation, and proper documentation. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: â⬠¢ University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. â⬠¢ Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Clouse, B. F. (2008). The student writer: Editor and critic. (7th ed. ). Boston, MA: McGraw Hill. All electronic materials are available on the student website. |Week One: Writing Situations | | |Details |Due |Points | |Objectives |Apply appropriate rhetorical strategies to a persuasive essay. Aug. 30, 2011 | | | |Utilize different types of writing styles as appropriate for mood and point of view. | | | |Readings |Read ââ¬Å"Developing a Preliminary Thesisâ⬠in Ch. 2 and Ch. 7, 8, 15 of The Student Writer: | | | | |Editor and Critic. | | | | |Read the Week One Overview. | | | |Read this weekââ¬â¢s Electronic Reserve Readings. | | | |Participation |Participate in class discussion. | |2 | |Learning Team Instructions |Prepare a list of grammar issues, using your completed grammar exercise, your team wants to | | | | |discuss during class in Week Two. | | | | | | | | |Choose a topic and begin familiarizing yourself with the University of Phoenix Material, | | | | |ââ¬Å"Final Research Paper and Presentation,â⬠located in Week One on your student website. | | | |Instructions and details of the assignment are included. Additional topics will be provided | | | | |on a separate handout distributed in class. | | | |Individual |Resource: Persuasive Essay | |10 | |Persuasive Essay |Complete the Persuasive Essay assignment located in Week One on your student website. | | | |Instructions and details of the assignment are included in the document. | | | |Individual |Resources: Center for Writing Excellence; Grammar Guide Quiz Instructions | |3 | |Grammar Guide Exercise #1 |Follow the instructions in the Grammar Guide Quiz Instructions document located in Week One | | | | |on your student website. | | | Week Two: Academic Essay Analysis | | |Details |Due |Points | |Objectives | |Sept. 6, 2011 | | | |Interpret data for analysis in writing. | | | | |Demonstrate organization and focus in an academic essay. | | | |Demonstrate the ability to perform each of the steps involved in the writing process. | | | |Readings |Read Ch. 9 11 of the text. | | | | |Read the Week Two Overview. | | | | |Read this weekââ¬â¢s Electronic Reserve Readings. | | | |Participation |Participate in class discussion. |1 | |Learning Team |Submit your Learning Team Charter. | |1 | |Learning Team Instructions |Prepare a list of grammar issues that your team wants to discuss during class in Week Three. | | | | |Use your completed grammar exercise. | | | |Individual |Complete the University of Phoenix Material, ââ¬Å"Case Study Analysis Paper,â⬠assignment located | |15 | |Case Study Analysis Paper |in Week Two on your student website. Instructions and details of the assignment are included | | | | |in the document. | | | | | | | | | |To complete the case study analysis paper, you will need to analyze the University of Phoenix| | | | |Material, ââ¬Å"Case Study for Student Analysis,â⬠located in Week Two on your student website. | | |Individual |Resources: Center for Writing Excellence; Grammar Guide Quiz Instructions | |3 | |Grammar Guide Exercise #2 |Follow the instructions in the Grammar Guide Quiz Instructions document located in Week One | | | | |on your student website. | | | Week Three: Research and Supporting Evidence | | |Details |Due |Points | |Objectives | |Sept. 13, 2011 | | | |Apply critical thinking skills to essays, research papers, and case study analyses. | | | | |Evaluate the relevance, reliability, and objectivity of sources. | | | |Identify the characteristics of a good resource as it relates to a specific topic. | | | |Readings |Read Ch. 16 17 of the text. | | | | |Read the Week Three Ov erview. | | | | |Read this weekââ¬â¢s Electronic Reserve Readings. | | | |Participation |Participate in class discussion. |2 | |Individual |Complete a peer review of at least two Case Study Analysis Papers from members of your | |10 | |Case Study Analysis Paper: |Learning Team. Use the University of Phoenix Material, ââ¬Å"Case Study Analysis Peer Review | | | |Peer Review |Form,â⬠located in Week Three on your student website as a guide for your reviews. | | | | | | | | |Answer each of the questions included on the form. Suggested revisions should improve the | | | | |content, organization, development, and mechanics of other studentsââ¬â¢ papers. Return your peer| | | | |review comments to each of the two members, and submit one copy of each peer review you | | | | |completed to your faculty member to receive credit. | | | |Individual |Resources: Center for Writing Excellence; Grammar Guide Quiz Instructions | |4 | |Grammar Guide Exercise #3 |Follow the instructions in the Grammar Guide Quiz Instructions document located in Week One | | | | |on your student website. | | | |Learning Team |Discuss the attributes of a good resource as it relates to the chosen topic for your Final | |5 | |What is a Good Resource? |Research Paper and Presentation due in Week Five. | | | | | | | | |List the necessary attributes as agreed upon by your Learning Team. Then list three of the | | | | |resources chosen for your final project, and explain in 75 to 100 words for each resource how| | | | |it meets the chosen criteria for selecting a good resource. | | |Week Four: Collaborative Writing | | |Details |Due |Points | |Objectives | |Sept. 20, 2011 | | | |Use peer editing methods to produce clear and concise writing. | | | |Demonstrate the ability to support ideas with appropriate evidence. | | | | |Transform written material into an integrated Learning Team presentation. | | | | |Synthesize research information and material s into a research paper. | | | |Readings |Review Ch. 7 of The Student Writer: Editor and Critic. | | | | |Read the Week Four Overview. | | | | |Read this weekââ¬â¢s Electronic Reserve Readings. | | | |Participation |Participate in class discussion. | |1 | |Nongraded Activities and |View the Constructive Feedback Tutorial. | | |Preparation | | | | |Learning Team |Prepare a rough draft of the Final Research Paper using the University of Phoenix Material, | |1 | | |ââ¬Å"Final Research Paper and Presentation,â⬠and the peer review feedback you have received as a | | | | |guideline. The rough draft of the paper should be fairly close to a final draft. Therefore, | | | | |the length should be constant, the organizational structure will be in place, there will be a| | | | |clear thesis statement, and the paper will be cohesive. | | | | | | | | |Use the University of Phoenix Material, ââ¬Å"Rough Draft Peer Review of Research Final Paper,â⬠| | | | |located in Week Three on your student website as a guide for rough draft reviews of team | | | | |member papers. After the peer review process, you may wish to make small or substantive | | | | |changes. Finally, send your rough draft to The Center for Writing Excellence to have it | | | | |professionally edited. | | | |Individual |Make revisions based on peer reviews from fellow classmates of your Case Study Analysis | |10 | |Case Study Analysis: Revisions|Paper. For each of the comments, submit a list of the changes you made to your paper based on| | | | |the feedback. If you choose not to make the recommended changes, submit a list that offers | | | | |justification for not making the peer revisions. | | | | | | | | |Submit to faculty two separate pages of peer review list changes from each classmate. Include| | | | |both recommended changes and any justifications. Revisions made should show improvement to | | | | |the content, organization, development, and mechanics of the paper. | | |Week Five: Documentation, Grammar, Punctuation, and Mechanics | | |Details |Due |Points | |Objectives | |Sept. 27, 2011 | | | |Apply the rules of English sentence structure, punctuation, grammar, style, and usage in a | | | | |written document. | | | |Apply the rules of style to a written research paper, using appropriate methods to summarize,| | | | |paraphrase, cite, and reference sources. | | | |Readings |Read the Week Five Overview. | | | | |Read this we ekââ¬â¢s Electronic Reserve Readings. | | | |Participation |Participate in class discussion. | |2 | Individual |Complete the Final Grammar Test. The Final Grammar Test is based on similar writing style and| |10 | |Final Grammar Test |grammar quizzes completed in the Grammar Guide. The test includes 50 grammar questions. | | | | | | | | | |Faculty will distribute copies of the University of Phoenix Material, ââ¬Å"Final Grammar Test. | | | |Learning Team |Submit your Final Research Paper. | |20 | |Final Research Paper and | | | | |Presentation |Prepare and deliver a 20-minute presentation of 8 to 12 PowerPointà ® slides that is based upon| | | | |your research paper and includes presenterââ¬â¢s notes. | | Copyright University of Phoenixà ® is a registered trademark of Apollo Group, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoftà ®, Windowsà ®, and Windows NTà ® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Use of these marks is not intended to imply endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation. Edited in accordance with University of Phoenixà ® editorial standards and practices.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Your Rights Essays - Law Enforcement In The United States
Your Rights Don't Talk to Cops By Robert W. Zeuner, Member of the New York State Bar " GOOD MORNING! My name is investigator Holmes. Do you mind answering a few simple questions?" If you open your door one day and are greeted with those words, STOP AND THINK! Whether it is the local police or the FBI at your door, you have certain legal rights of which you ought to be aware before you proceed any further. In the first place, when law enforcement authorities come to see you, there are no "simple questions". Unless they are investigating a traffic accident, you can be sure that they want information about somebody. And that somebody may be you! Rule number one to remember when confronted by the authorities is that there is no law requiring you to talk with the police, the FBI, or the representative of any other investigative agency. Even the simplest questions may be loaded and the seemingly harmless bits of information which you volunteer may later become vital links in a chain of circumstantial evidence against you or a friend. DO NOT INVITE THE INVESTIGATOR INTO YOUR HOME! Such an invitation not only gives him the opportunity to look around for clues to your lifestyle, friends, reading material, etc., but also tends to prolong the conversation. The longer the conversation, the more chance there is for a skill investigator to find out what he wants to know. Many times a police officer will ask you to accompany him to the police station to answer a few questions. In that case, simply thank him for the invitation and indicate that you are not disposed to accept it at this time. Often the authorities simply want to photograph a person for identification purposes, a procedure which is easily accomplished by placing him in a private room with a two-way mirror at the station, asking him a few innocent questions, and then releasing him. If the investigator becomes angry at your failure to cooperate and threatens you with arrest, stand firm. He cannot legally place you under arrest or enter your home without a warr ent signed by a judge. If he indicates that he has such a warrent, ask to see it. A person under arrest, or located on premises to be searched, generally must be shown a warrent if he requests it and must be given to chance to read it. Without a warrent, an officer depends solely upon your helpfulness to obtain the information he wants. So, unless you are quite sure of yourself, don't be helpful. Probably the wisest approach to take to a persistant investigator is simply to say: "I'm quite busy now. If you have any questions that you feel I can answer, I'd be happy to listen to them in my lawyer's office. Goodbye!" Talk is cheap. When that talk involves the law enforcement authorities, it may cost you, or someone close to you, dearly. This info came from a leaflet that was printed as a public service by individuals concerned with the growing role of authoritarianism and police power in our society. Please feel free to copy or republish. This info also applies to dealing with private investigators, and corporate security agents.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
LSD This is a good paper for a health class, but I wouldn't recommend it for a science class. Also you will need to bullshit some references. I suggest that you look up LSD research as a keyword.LSDThe use of drugs among Americans is rapidly rising. They can be bought and sold almost anywhere, from the streets to hallways of schools. A drug on the rapid rise from the 70's is LSD. Some people attribute this to the fact it is extremely inexpensive, $2-4 a hit, the wrong belief by users that it is a safer drug than marijuana because it isn't physically addicting. However, LSD is a hallucinogenic drug that is very dangerous, despite popular belief.LSD stands for Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. Lysergic acid is extracted from the fungus Ergot, and then left to crystallize until it is pure. It was first accidentally discovered by Albert Hoffman in 1938 in Switzerland, who was searching for possible therapeutic uses of Ergot.English: Slightly under 100 drops ("hits") of liqu...Hoffman continued his experiments, but never came in contact with the crystals until1943. (LSD can be absorbed through the skin.) Hoffman then sent LSD around the world to be tested and investigated to find medical uses. Lysergic acid deviates were found to relieve migraines and control postpartum hemorrhage because it causes veins to contract, but also caused gangrene of the limbs, and so further experimentation with the drug was abandoned. In the late 50's, however, LSD was used by the CIA as an interrogation drug for spies. However, it was proven to be unreliable and was later replaced with other interrogation drugs.LSD comes in the forms of crystals, liquids, tablets, gelatins, or blotting squares. The squares have designs on them such a flowers, dragons, shapes, animals, and cartoon characters to make them more attractive to young...
Monday, February 24, 2020
Part of Report of Strategic HRM in Mater Hill Hospital Essay
Part of Report of Strategic HRM in Mater Hill Hospital - Essay Example At the same time, employees are becoming attracted to the element of control. For example, at the moment, most employees prefer to exercise some degree of influence over when and how they work. If implemented effectively, e-rostering can create safer, sound, and more dynamic schedules (Sharma & Goyal 2013: 65). In spite of these benefits, research and the experiences of nurses show that e-rostering can also be exploited by management as a way of discouraging employees and limiting their potential (Maitland & Thomson 2014: 16). In fact, despite the limited effectiveness of modern systems, they are the precursors to more advanced systems that will completely revolutionise how nurses work. However, the final resting position of the pendulum will determine whether such a transformation will benefit or hinder the effective execution of nursing processes. According to Mello (2014: 35), manual scheduling mechanisms have occasionally failed to meet expected staffing standards. This has opened the door for e-rostering, which is viewed as a solution to this problem (Vincent & Beduz 2014: 57). In spite of this, a professional (nursing) standpoint reveals that e-rostering creates some dilemmas that must be handled discretely to avoid compromising the potential benefits of the system (Mcdonnell 2012: 1 508). Some of these dilemmas include inflexibility, fairness, borderlines between staffing and rostering levels, incorporating changes that are made after the approval of the schedule, and whether promote employee empowerment or managerial control (Smith 2014: 193). In reality, e-scheduling alone cannot improve nursing outcomes. It can, however, develop trust to comprehend the challenges confronting nurses and establish how best practices in nursing care can be instituted (Watson 2014: 150). According to Cushway (2014: 38), e-rostering systems enable nurses to design schedules by supporting numerous vital functions,
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Geographical Information Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Geographical Information - Coursework Example The maintenance of networks of infrastructure depends on reliable information regarding dimensions, capacity, location, and depth. Use of technology ensures more reliability (Culpin, 1983, p.144). In addition, information linking location and development potentials allows local tax assessment collection to be carried out in a more transparent and easier manner, as all the records can easily be accessed; this has been one important benefit. Another benefit is that technology provides a good platform for establishment of transparent and reliable information systems, as it makes data more accessible and systematic. When there is easy access to data, then governance is improved (Culpin, 1983, p.145). In using technology for the GI, when doing Household Travel Surveys, one is able to collect data in a more efficient manner. Moreover, the data quality is improved immensely and the survey costs minimized. Moreover, technology provides a platform for integration of data and products to bette r interpret survey results (Richardson, 1996, p.74). Disadvantages of Using Technology in Geographical Information Although using technology for geographical information has many important benefits, it also has disadvantages. Huge costs are incurred in using technology with regards to hardware, software and staffing. The cost of using technology for the geographical information can sometimes be high, depending on the availability of electronic maps and other data. The cost of purchasing the necessary software, hardware and training staff to use technology is a big factor that affects the overall cost of using technology. The use technology for geographical information brings about potentials for mismanagement of the technology. This can result into an inefficient and disorganized delimitation process. Planning, good training, and ample time and resources must be put in place if technology is to be properly used.à Moreover, the use of technology in geographical information may lea d to misuse of the technology. For example, the GIS software can be misused for political reasons where one malicious user can manipulate constituency boundaries to retain control of parliament.à Because one has easy access to collected data and information, one malicious user can easily interfere with the same information to fit his own interests, for example, a politician sending a malicious user to tamper with population figures to gain political mileage with the electorate (Lisa, 2004, p.126). Influence of Future Use of the Technology Access Data The first aspect is Influence of Future Use of the Technology in terms of access to data. Technology will greatly revolutionize access to data in Geographical information. Generally, technology affects GI in several ways. The internet is currently being used for access data transfer, while in the future, technological advances will ensure that internet is accessible to more of the worldââ¬â¢s population in a cheaper and faster way. This will mean that access to data will be readily available. The internet also allows the dissemination of GIS analysis outputs and information of a spatial nature to a larger audience. Even recently, people have been able to conduct a search and query analysis on-line, for things of a spatial nature without using any expensive software. This shows how technology is likely to influence the
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Tui Mod 6 Self Reflective Paper Essay Example for Free
Tui Mod 6 Self Reflective Paper Essay As I reflect back on the last two months I start to think of what I have learned while in OPM300, Introduction to Operations Management. In this essay I will discuss the following topics, what I learned the most in this class, somethingââ¬â¢s that I didnââ¬â¢t really catch on to and how I can improve. One important thing that I learned in this class is if you donââ¬â¢t have a good logistical support then your business can fail quickly. After spending numerous hours on research for Wal-Mart Stores I caught on to the fact that in order for that sore to be so successful the management has to know when to place its order for restock, stay on top of inventories and know when to get rid of a product thatââ¬â¢s not selling. Without a good logistical support department Wal-Mart would surely fail. In Module 4 I didnââ¬â¢t not grasp the concepts you were describing on AON and AOA Network Conventions. I spent about an hour going through the slides and couldnââ¬â¢t grasp the process being displayed on the slides. Where these the answers to the previous slides concerning Pert and CPM? My research habits this past semester have been less than stellar. I would find my mouse clicking on topics that had nothing to do with what I was trying to research and instead of reading material on the topic that I was researching I found myself reading the news or sports. I am going to have to find a way to isolate myself and focus on the main topic and not get side tracked so easily. Over all I think that this was a great class. The material was all there and the Session Long Project helped me understand some of the Operational Management processes that happen inside a store that I would have never thought of before. References: 1. 2.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Migrant Workers in China Essay -- Chinese Migrant Workers
Chen Hong Xia is one of the 250 million migrants in Chinaââ¬â¢s growing economy. These migrant workers are the people who support Chinaââ¬â¢s whole economy, without them China will not be where it is now. Although they are crucial in Chinaââ¬â¢s growth, migrant workers are treated with disrespect. Chen Hong Xia is one of the ââ¬Ëluckierââ¬â¢ migrant workers. She was able to work her way out of poverty into a better future. There are many similarities between Chen Hong Xia and most migrants in China, but there are also many differences. These include their expectations, working environment, living environment and children. Like many of the migrant workers in China, Chen Hong Xia wanted a better future in the city and find a job with good working conditions and high wages. Chen Hong Xia comes from a small town in Shandong province, she grew up on a farm producing rice and corn. Although there were many job opportunities in Shan Dong province, all the jobs were agricultural jobs that offered low pay and required lots of physical activity. In the movie Last Train Home directed by Lixin Fan, Qin left Sichuan Province and went to Dong Guan city because she wanted more money and be able to pursue her dreams. Many of Chinaââ¬â¢s younger generation of migrant workers are abandoning agricultural production and moving permanently to the city. (Zhou Jing, Chinaââ¬â¢s New Generation Of Migrant Workers) They are refusing to work under hard conditions. Unlike the previous generation they never experienced the ââ¬Å"bitterness of lifeâ⬠. In the past migrant workers were thankful to just have food, todayâ â¬â¢s migrants start being picky, expecting high salary, less physical jobs, basic benefits and better working conditions. (Michelle Loyalka, Chinese Labor, Cheap No More) Zhou Ji... .... 2014. Chang, Leslie T. "US Misses Full Truth On China Factory Workers." Cable News Network, 1 Oct. 2012. Web. 15 Mar. 2014. Connor, Neil. "Beijing's 'Rat Tribe' Scurry From High Costs Underground.", 21 Jan. 2014. Web. 15 Mar. 2014. Fan, Lixin, dir. Last Train Home. EyeSteelFilm, 2009. Film. Gapper, John. "China's Migrant Workers Expect More." Financial Times, 7 Sept. 2011. Web. 15 Mar. 2014. Grindley, Sally. Spilled Water. New York: Bloomsbury, 2004. Print. Hays, Jeffery. "Migrant Workers in China.", Mar. 2012. Web. 15 Mar. 2014 Jing, Zhou. "China's New Generation of Migrant Workers.", 26 Oct. 2009. Web. 15 Mar. 2014. Loyalka, Michelle D. "Chinese Labor, Cheap No More." The New York Times, 17 Feb. 2012. Web. 15 Mar. 2014.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Alvar Alto Design Theory Paimio Sanatorium
The figurehead of modernism and leader of bringing architecture back to the human scale that once was, Alvar Aalto is now an architectural inspiration to us all. Aalto did not use his architecture as a learning tool but more as a gesture toward the emotional and physical needs of man. His architecture was meant to enrich the lives of those it served. Aalto focused on context in site in relation to the human body. Forms, light and shadow were inspired by the Finnish forests Aalto grew up near.When he was a child he made drawings of the landscape that influenced his later built projects in their relationships to horizons and vertical connections, sections and ground plan. He brought us buildings that involved form, light, and color, along with many other attributes all over the world including the Viipuri Library, the Paimio Sanatorium, and even Mt. Angel Library here in Oregon. Functional Room Functional Design The rooms in the patients' wing are arranged on the north side of the corr idor.By siting the rooms on one side only, Aalto was able to bring natural light into the corridor and give the patients the feeling that they were in control of the space. Aalto studied the angle of the sunlight in conjunction with the heating system. Sun blinds were fixed outside the windows to cut down solar gain. The whole building was designed in every aspect to make the patients confinement tolerable and to assist in their healing. Their room's were designed with a horizontal person in mind.The source of heat comes down from the ceiling, one wall was lined in absorbent insulation to make acoustics more restful, and the window frames in the rooms were timber to reduce condensation and be warmer to touch. the washbasins were designed to run silently and had to be hygienic and easy to clean (unsuccessfully in practice). The pipe work was concealed in the walls, whereas prior to this pipes were usually surface-fixed. Aalto had his own ideas about the ceilings for example. The ceil ing of the room should be the colour of the sky,â⬠The lighting came from a wall mounted uplighter out of the patients sight where it was diffused throughout the room. Since the ceiling was painted in darker tones, the ceiling area reflecting the light had to be painted a lighter one. The door handles were created with as much methodical attention to detail. They were designed so coat sleeves or pockets couldn't get caught and they had rounded edges in case patients should happen to knock into them. Rose cellar In the Sanatorium death was an everyday reality, so naturally there was a mortuary on the site.The Rose Cellar, as the mortyary was called, disappeared into the terrain and took its name from the roses covering the mound of earth in front of it; only the holes drilled into the wooden door in the form of a cross gave a clue as to the use of the building. The mortuary is a light, whitewashed concrete vault lit by a roof light. A black-painted wooden catafalque rests on the brick-red floor and the partition that divides the curved vault has an abstract painting by Aalto and the Turku artist Eino Kauria. Viper hall The nurses' home, known as the ââ¬Ëhall of vipers', was designed and built in 1060-63.It is a two-storey, four-part building, with each part joined to the next by an drawn-in linking element. It departs from Aalto's 1930s buildings mainly in that, instead of a flat roof, it has a pitched roof and the detailing does not focus nearly as much on metal. The name is derived from the fact that the building wriggles gently across the terrain. Stairs Tuberculosis was treated with fresh air, so that sun beds suitable for external use were needed. They emerged as the result of some specialist design work, as did the ââ¬Ëwinter sleeping bags' made of sheepskin that were part of the sun beds.The whole interior of the building is pervaded by health giving light, most powerfully in the stair cases, where sun spills down huge areas of glazing. Where the effort of climbing was incorporated as part of the healing process. Tree section Aalto believed that ââ¬Å"the health of every person depends to a great extent on his submission to the conditions of natureâ⬠This came from the fact that medicine was not advanced enough to heal alone, so healing came from being take out of the crowded, disease infested cities where the sun, space and breeze of the country would help heal.The flat finnish landscape made a stepped section unsuitable, the roof terrace is then used for treatment for summer and winter alike stretching the entire length of the patient ward, where the healthier patients could go and take in the spectacular views across the vast forest, each sun-deck beneath was cantilevered to take in the sunshine, like the branches of a tree. Organism for Healing The health of every person depends a great extent on his submission to the condition of nature.The outer buildings are module starting with the head physicians house the y grow and multiply like they are a dividing organism until you get to the patients ward and the rooms are almost exponential in comparison. The building is designed to be a organism for healing, each room is catered to the patient with the use of sun, greenery, and space it helps them in their healing process. Forest The Patients rooms looked out over an unhabited forest which is visually brought into the building as posts, vertical lines, windows and columns.The pine forest was a powerful source of healing and hope for the finish patients, it is also therapeutic to the community who's collective soul deeply embraces the protective wood's and tree's. It is hard to imagine the impact the sanatorium must have had on patients. The dedication to serving their needs manifested in every detail and the optimistic uplifteing quality of it's light filled spaces. Symmetry as parts (medical and proper man) vs. Asymmetry as a whole (natural and living) The plan of the building is laid out in d ifferent sections.Each section is symmetric or on a central axis. The building as a whole does not have a central axis but is asymmetrically in balance. Sort of like a human body that is being treated for a certain condition. The focus is put on parts of the physical body, but as a whole the body makes up a person or a human being. Technology is manmade ââ¬â human creating a function from natural sources Aalto liked to use materials in their natural state in his buildings. He also liked to take advantage of how modern technology could assist the daily needs of the people in his buildings.In the Sanitarium, he created manmade elements made from elements close to their natural state as a gesture towards to needs of the patients, doctors, and nurses using the spaces. Plasticity and Fluidity (like natures organic forms) Throughout the Paimio Sanitarium, certain spaces have a plastic form that is almost like a landmark in that area of the building. These forms seem to mimic the organ ic forms that can be found in nature like the curve of the terrain on the hill, or the edge of the tree creating a fluid line that separates its branches from the sky.They are found in the central stair of the tower and the overhang above the entrance to the building. Facing the Sun During this time there were not any antibiotics or specific medicines for the treatment of tuberculosis. The best treatment for the condition was dry climate, greenery, fresh, clean air, and a lot of sun. With having a south facing slope it makes sense to position the patients' rooms and the roof terrace to face the sun. A Landscape representing time ââ¬â modern, ancient, and current. This picture really represents a lot of different times in the culture of the area.The pastures and fields in the foreground represent the current lives of the citizens of Paimio ââ¬â they are healthy, providing resources and going about their daily lives. In the middle ground there is the forest- it is natural grow th and holds a sort of history in the culture of the people. Then, rising above it all is the Sanitarium ââ¬â a modern piece of architecture at the time that still stands as a landmark. Architecturally, it was a glimpse into what would be in the future and functionally it was a humble reminder of the hard times.Conclusion. The solution Aalto created for solving the needs of people to fit in with their comfortable natural state while gaining the positive effects of the industrialization at the time was to give people the creative freedom to make their spaces unique to themselves and their needs. He wanted people to remember their individualism. Finding the potential value in humans and emphasizing their common needs became Aalto's main purpose in architecture in his later years. This can be seen in his public buildings as well as in his churches and houses.Aalto believed that people should live a democratic and individualistic lifestyle. He called for the humanization of all thin gs including his architecture. It was important to address how humans move and travel through space and also how they inhabit it. The needs of the user were considered. In all of his projects, Aalto stressed meaning of the project to the client as well as to himself. He looked at the perspectives of the users and found ways to enhance those perspectives, for example the chairs in the Sanatorium were designed to make it easier for the patients to breathe.His architecture was meant to enrich the lives of those it served. In the Paimio Sanitarium in particular, Aalto's attention to psychological spaces enhancing the quality of life for the users, relation to the other buildings in the area, having a form that follows the function, and specific detail in the technical equipment made it all come together to create a well designed approach to the site and the people that dwell within it in a beautiful piece of modern architecture.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Democracy, Peace, And The Well Being Of Citizens - 1405 Words
Democracy represents freedom, peace, and the well-being of citizens As Secretary of the State, a member of the Presidentââ¬â¢s Cabinet and National Security Council, the President should promote western democracy to other countries because the more countries become a democracy more peace will be created for the world. In other words, this will display the meaning of the Democratic Peace Theory. As a matter of fact, this creates less problems and threats for the U.S such as fewer enemies and potential military threats, which will enhance our U.S National Security. In addition, those who are in favor of spreading Democracy are making their citizens safer and are likely to be allied to the U.S. As a result, the use of military power will be lowered if countries have similar political systems as the U.S. However, countries such as China, Russia, Cuba, Arabian countries, and Islamic States who are against western democracy policies are getting into conflicts with the U.S. To begin with, western democracy policies has made the U.S more of a peaceful cou ntry because after the Civil War, the country was able to unite once again. Not only has the U.S become more peaceful but also a country with liberty which democracy provides for the people, which is a positive outcome of western democracy. In addition, sharing democracy similarities will be safe for the U.S and countries because itââ¬â¢ll help them reduce terrorism and terrorist attacks because countries will be able to lookout forShow MoreRelatedTopic: ââ¬ËWhy Democracy Mattersââ¬â¢1400 Words à |à 6 Pages ââ¬ËWhy Democracy Mattersââ¬â¢ Video Presentation by: Honourable Rory Stewart British Politician The concept of ââ¬Ëdemocracyââ¬â¢ dates from Ancient Greece. In the Greek two words: Kratos means the (rule) and demos means (people). Heywood (2013, p.89). The concept of democracy cannot be understood with precision. One of the most politicalRead MoreChuang Tzu s Basic Writings Essay1558 Words à |à 7 Pagesin the text has no room for organized hierarchy or unified morality in the understanding of the world. This leaves no room for government whose laws and bureaucracy are based on codified morality and hierarchy. 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